Quantum Decision Making Games: Alice and Bob, at it Again

Quantum Decision Making Games: Alice and Bob, at It Again. 
“…This work is also intimate to the issue whether novel quantum features exist in a classical game.  The issue has been regarded to be negative, while quantum features in quantum games have been discussed mostly by considering quantum strategies.  To attack the issue, on the other hand, we proposed to employ the machinery that plays (or simulates) the decision processes made by the rational players.  We hope that the present work would accelerate the studies on potential applications, including quantum cryptography and quantum machine learning.”

“Schematic picture of a secret-bit guessing game. (a) One player Bob guesses the numbers chosen by the other player, say Alice. Alice selects two numbers xκ∈{0,1} and writes on two cards Cκ. These numbers are unknown for Bob. Bob is to guess Alice’s secret numbers xκ. In doing so, Bob can exploit some available information, which we call “hints.” (b) Table presents the scores which Bob will get in the game. Bob receives a score, positive of ξ/2 on a correct guess and negative of −ξ/2 on a wrong guess. (Image Credit: www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-36945-5#Fig1)”

Reference is found at nature.com…

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