IBM Looking to Open Quantum Computing Doors in Thailand

IBM Looking to Open Quantum Computing Doors in Thailand.

Excerpts and salient points ~

  • IBM’s quantum ambassador, Robert Loredo, recently met staff at the National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (NECTEC) to ask what the company could do to help Thailand solve problems through  quantum computing and advise how the Kingdom could benefit from its quantum hub partner in Asia… The drivers of mass adoption of quantum computing are found in many areas, such as the needs of logistics and traffic. For example, in Thailand traffic is a big enough concern. 
  • IBM has met with Nectec, to seek the best approach to introducing quantum technology to Thailand. IBM has its Q Network featuring different partners, with one partner, Keio University, serving as the first Q Hub in Asia… Keio is working with IBM to help organisations explore quantum applications important to business and science, while at the same time introducing the technology to the next generation of scientists… The university has spent the past several months bringing together members of its team, which include students working alongside scientists with expertise in quantum chemistry, financial modelling, quantum encryption and security, and other areas to determine which algorithms may be most useful. 
  • “We also are looking for partners who are interested in using quantum computing. One of our key partners is startups. A lot of startups have come with their ideas and projects to work with the IBM Q team on hardware and software to access and use the IBM Q system,” said Loredo.

Source: THE NATION, Asina Pornwasin, Computing on the edge of tomorrow…

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