OP-ED: Australia’s Bickering Parents at the Wheel: Political Infighting Stymies Growth
We have heard and seen much from various quantum computing industry startups and the University of New South Wales’ efforts in quantum research and development. Though these are our focus, this op-ed paints a not so pretty picture of the direction of Australia’s economy. Poking at quantum entanglement, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, this author suggests major changes must be made or the land down-under may end up, down and under in a global economy. Food for thought. Provides some balance to all that glitters in the current, budding, quantum computing industry. Qubit.
Excerpts and salient points ~
- …In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, smart-based services, products and solutions need to accelerate to the top. Australia lacks a clear long-term vision about its future smart state. Political infighting has not helped matters. Our history shows long term planning has never been a national forte.
- Remember John F. Kennedy’s nation-inspiring moon speech? It was clear, measurable, funded, uplifting and delivered. The vision did not need lower taxes, free-trade agreements or tariffs. Put simply, our ability to connect education, innovation, funding and markets together to achieve bold things is absent.
- If we have not prepared well for what currently bedevils us, how are we going to deal with, to name a few: autonomous electric transport (air and land), hyperloops, Quantum Computing, nation-state cyber-espionage, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Everything? Moreover, the speed of change is accelerating. New ways must be found for us to operate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. If you believe in the inevitability of the technological singularity, our time to adapt is evaporating.
Source: THE AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS REVIEW, Yohan Ramasundara, ‘A dog’s breakfast’…
Content may have been edited for style and clarity.