Planning for Zimbabwe to Join the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Innovation hubs hold key to industrialisation
In brief…
+ To meet the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Zimbabwe and the SADC region, the human resource of the future must be conversant with emerging technologies in a number of fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, big data, biotechnology, fifth generation wireless technology and 3D printing.
Broadly, innovation hubs aim to bring Zimbabwe to the Fourth Industrial Revolution which is envisaged to bring about fundamental changes to the economics of virtually every industry in the country, SADC region and the world at large.
+ Zimbabwe has established a number of strategic research institutions and a number of quasi-government scientific bodies to demonstrate its commitment to promote research and development (R & D) to provide the country with technological solutions for sustainable development.
+ Zimbabwe is aiming to achieve its vision of becoming an upper middle income economy by 2030 by also tapping into the Education 5.0 Government policy which requires all universities to launch into outcomes-focused national development activities which can help make Zimbabwe’s economy competitive, modern and industrialised.
Source: ZIMBABWE SITUATION. Professor Amon Murwira, Innovation hubs hold key to industrialisation…
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