One Time Pad Patent for Classical or Quantum Environment Awarded

One Time Pad Patent for Classical or Quantum Environment Awarded

Cipherloc Receives Polymorphic One Time Pad Patent Notice of Allowance

Key points…

+  Cipherloc’s application of its polymorphic encryption engine enables a One Time Pad encryption using a large number of cipher/key pairs available in memory. The cipher/key pairs can range in number from forty to 40,000 or more, depending on the system capabilities. Each character of the secure file is encrypted using a separate key, and blocks of keys expire and shift to another block on a rotating basis, making the encryption both polymorphic and One Time Pad in nature.

+  [T]he technology can be implemented in processor memory, system memory or in an embedded hardware environment, such as an FPGA chip. The technology is valid for any product that uses encryption, but particularly good for embedded hardware systems that communicate on a regular basis. This includes critical infrastructure (CIP) equipment and communications equipment.

“This patent addresses a proven, cost efficient and effective One Time Pad capability leveraging the strengths of Cipherloc’s proprietary polymorphic encryption engine – something we believe is truly novel in the encryption community. This engine produces encryption that is not only computationally infeasible to break, but also scalable and extensible with increasing hardware capabilities in the future. The result is a low latency file output with highly predictable encode/decode times and extremely secure – even theoretically unbreakable – encryption,” said Dr. Albert Carlson, Chief Scientist at Cipherloc.

+  One Time Pad (OTP) encryption, sometimes referred to as the “Vernam cipher,” cannot be cracked, but requires the use of a one-time key at least as long as the message being sent. Plaintext is paired with a random secret key (the “pad”), and each bit or character is encrypted via a corresponding bit or character from the pad. Theoretically, if certain conditions are met, the resulting ciphertext will be impossible to break absent the pad.

+  The patent, entitled “Virtual Polymorphic Hardware Engine,” details use of processor or hardware memory to create a virtual polymorphic One Time Pad (OTP) encryption capability executable in either classical or quantum computing environments.

Source:  YAHOO! FINANCE.  Ciperloc,  Cipherloc Receives Polymorphic One Time Pad Patent Notice of Allowance…

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