The Trump Administration Is Investing $1 Billion in Research Institutes to Advance Industries of the Future

The Trump Administration Is Investing $1 Billion in Research Institutes to Advance Industries of the Future

The Trump Administration is taking strong action to ensure American leadership in the industries of the future—artificial intelligence (AI), quantum information science (QIS), 5G communications, and other key emerging technologies that will shape our economy and security for years to come.

Today, the White House, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Department of Energy (DOE) announced more than $1 billion in awards for the establishment of 12 new AI and QIS research and development (R&D) institutes nationwide.

Together, NSF’s AI Research Institutes and DOE’s QIS Research Centers will serve as national R&D hubs for these critical industries of the future, spurring innovation, supporting regional economic growth, and training our next generation workforce.

The National Science Foundation and additional Federal partners are awarding $140 million over five years to a total of seven NSF-led AI Research Institutes. These collaborative research and education institutes will focus on a range of AI R&D areas, such as machine-learning, synthetic manufacturing, precision agriculture, and forecasting prediction. Research will take place at universities around the country, including the University of Oklahoma at Norman, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Colorado at Boulder, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of California at Davis, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

NSF anticipates making additional AI Research Institute awards in the coming years, with more than $300 million in total awards, including contributions from partner agencies, expected by next summer. Overall, NSF invests more than $500 million in artificial intelligence activities annually and is the largest Federal driver of nondefense AI R&D.

To establish the QIS Research Centers, DOE is announcing up to $625 million over five years to five centers that will be led by DOE National Laboratory teams at Argonne, Brookhaven, Fermi, Oak Ridge, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories. Each QIS Center will incorporate a collaborative research team spanning multiple institutions as well as scientific and engineering disciplines. The private sector and academia will be providing another $300 million in contributions for the centers.

The centers will focus on a range of key QIS research topics including quantum networking, sensing, computing, and materials manufacturing. Through this critical, basic R&D, our Nation will have a strong foundation for the future of commercial technologies underpinned by QIS.

The establishment of these new national AI and QIS institutes will not only accelerate discovery and innovation, but will also promote job creation and workforce development. NSF’s AI Research Institutes and DOE’S QIS Research Centers will include a strong emphasis on training, education, and outreach to help Americans of all backgrounds, ages, and skill levels participate in our 21st-century economy.

Importantly, these institutes are a manifestation of the uniquely American free-market approach to technological advancement. Each institute brings together the Federal Government, industry, and academia, positioning us to leverage the full power and expertise of the United States innovation ecosystem for the betterment of our Nation.

As history has shown, America is a country of thinkers, doers, and innovators. The United States is the proud home of the greatest technological breakthroughs the world has ever known, from creating the modern Internet to putting humans on the moon. Emerging technologies like AI and QIS will lead to transformative benefits for the American people in healthcare, communications, manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, security, and beyond.

Today’s announcement of $1 billion invested in AI and QIS research centers builds upon more than three years of action and demonstrates our commitment to continued technological leadership.

The Trump Administration is making sure the next cutting-edge innovations are made in America, ensuring the American people live healthier, safer, and more prosperous lives.

Source:  Office of Science and Technology Policy.  Michael Kratsios and Chris Liddell,  The Trump Administration Is Investing $1 Billion in Research Institutes to Advance Industries of the Future…

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