CEO Commentary: The US National Quantum Initiative
The US National Quantum Initiative
Good morning,
The US Government has recently launched a new information resource dedicated to quantum technology as a result of The National Quantum Initiative Act that was signed into US law on December 21, 2018. We encourage shareholders and investors to visit the newly created website here.
US makes quantum technology a critical priority
The US makes it clear that several quantum technology areas remain in an early phase of development, including quantum computing, where the engineering of a core technology is relatively immature. Therefore, the US is taking significant action to strengthen investments in quantum tech and prepare a quantum-ready workforce.
The US has decided that quantum technology is a critical priority for ensuring America’s long-term economic prosperity and national security: Harnessing the novel properties of quantum physics has the potential to yield transformative new technologies, such as quantum computers, quantum sensors, and quantum networks.
A crucial source of insight to quantum tech trends
The new website now provides centralised information and reports detailing leading indicators of success in the quantum technology ecosystem, pointing to specific goals and focused efforts in the short term (5 years) and in the longer term (20 years) being made in the US.
As an Australian materials technology company, Archer is very well aligned with the strategic direction of the US in the field of quantum computing. For example, our latest development work on our 12CQ qubit chip modelling, directly addresses a key area of priority to accelerate the development of quantum computing globally:
“In applications of quantum computing, qubit quality is inextricably tied to materials quality, particularly in solid-state platforms. The longer coherence times and lower error rates needed to advance the aims of error-corrected quantum computing will come fastest through a full predictive capacity for materials performance, one that is able to guide fabrication well enough to deliver desired QIS characteristics with consistency and without trial-and-error processes. An improved understanding of materials might also uncover new or better ways to fabricate error-protected qubits, which if found and made reliably could represent a transformative leap toward logical-qubit creation.” – US Public Request for Information Response (Quantum Frontiers Report Oct 2020)
The US is taking significant action in growing the quantum technology industry in America, and in maintaining its global leadership position. This gives Archer and its shareholders confidence moving forward with our strategy, as we work with global giants like IBM to realise our innovative quantum computing deep tech.
Dr Mohammad Choucair, FRACI FRSN GAICD
Chief Executive Officer
Archer Materials Limited (ASX:AXE)
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