Could Quantum Computers Give us ‘Total Recall’? Hype, Outlandish, Or…?
Every so often there are pieces that hit the web which combine quantum computing, hype, and something we just can’t put our finger on. But, it is Friday, this has been a long week and plenty of quantum computing (not-hype) data coming thru the wire to review. Enjoy this piece from the source, below. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit
How quantum computers could hack our brains with fake memories like Total Recall
+ The realm of classic science fiction is littered with ideas that today’s experts believe lie within the realm of reality – if not today’s reality, then perhaps tomorrow’s quantum computer-laden one. One of those ideas comes straight out of a Paul Verhoeven film from over thirty years ago: Total Recall.
Rekall is a fictional company in the business of putting people to sleep and giving them artificial memories. The big idea there is that not everyone has the time or money for a fancy vacation to somewhere exotic like, for example, Mars, so Rekall has a machine that can give you the memories of a trip you never actually took.
+ Humans in general, it’s often posited by quantum physicists, can’t quite be sure whether we live in base reality or just some tunnel-vision version afforded by our limited perspective. Maybe we’re in a computer simulation. Perhaps we only exist in the dreams of a turtle floating in space.
+ In theory, this means the manipulation of light should be useful in sending and decoding signals to and from the human brain. If we can speak the brain’s language by finding a way to get artificial biophotonics into the “microtubules” that some scientists believe the quantum universe uses to exchange information, we might be able to hijack the signal and tell our brains to believe whatever we want it to.
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