U.S. Defense Innovation Unit Director Comments on China’s Quantum Accomplishments
Chinese Set Sights on High-Tech Production
In brief…
+ China’s goal is to be the technology leader in all areas by 2049, Brown said. It is already competitive with or ahead of the U.S. in areas such as hypersonics and space, launching more satellites than the U.S. last year; as well as in 5G technology and artificial intelligence, particularly in the area of facial recognition. In addition, China is ahead of or at pace with the United States in quantum sciences, launching its first quantum communications satellite in 2016; as genetic engineering, he said.
“Imagine what the world would look like if China were setting standards in game-changing technologies like hypersonics, quantum sciences, autonomy, artificial intelligence, 5G, genetic engineering and space.” Michael Brown, director of the Defense Innovation Unit
+ Since World War II, the United States has set world technological standards in computing, biotechnology, aircraft design, networking and software, Brown said.
+ Brown offered some suggestions for the United States maintaining its technology lead.
+ The federal government should invest more in research and technology, he said. The United States invests just 0.7% of its gross domestic product on research and development, and half of that goes into health, not military, applications. In the 1960s, total research and development spending was 2% of the nation’s GDP.
+ Export control reform and cooperation with allies are also necessary to ensure technology isn’t transferred to nations such as China, Brown said.
Source: U.S. Department of Defense. David Vergun, Chinese Set Sights on High-Tech Production…
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