Setting the Misconceptions About Quantum Key Distribution Straight
Good piece setting the record straight on quantum key distribution (QKD) from Mr. John Prisco. He has the background to state his list of myths about QKD and debunk them. We’ve chosen two, below. See the source for the full list and discussion. Good for those needing a QKD reminder or a starter. Because Quantum Computing is Coming. Qubit.
Debunking Myths about Quantum Cryptography
+ When it comes to ensuring data security in the quantum era, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure — and notwithstanding the above misconceptions, QKD is a more affordable and practical solution than ever before. Ultimately, our data security, intellectual property and even our national security depends on debunking these persistent myths for good.
+ Despite its promise for ultra-secure transmissions of sensitive information, there are a number of misconceptions about QKD. Given that QKD offers protection today for the quantum threats that are around the corner, addressing the myths of QKD is essential for ensuring that our encrypted data stays secret and out of the hands of hackers and foreign governments.
+ Myth #1: It only works for short distance
+ Historically, the use of QKD has been very limited due to the limitations of current networking infrastructure. Fiber optic cables can only carry photons a short distance, about 100 km or 62 miles, before the photons break down. This isn’t useful for most companies today, which have offices, partners and suppliers located across the globe. New technologies have eliminated those distance limitations: The University of Geneva and Corning Inc. collaborated to develop a system that can carry a photon more than 300 km or 186 miles.
+ Myth #4: It’s theoretical
+ QKD isn’t science fiction; it’s here today and already being deployed, with projects in China, Canada, Austria, South Korea, the UK, Switzerland and the U.S. China likely leads the way in QKD development, with a number of projects. This includes a QKD system developed by Peking University and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications – and the world’s first space-ground quantum network that is expected to send transmissions using up to 10 satellites for global coverage by 2030.
+ In Europe, the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information in Vienna developed a quantum channel that enabled the first intercontinental quantum video call. QKD has been securing elections in Switzerland for a decade, protecting voting data sent between the central ballot-counting station in downtown Geneva and government data centers in the suburbs.
Source: info security. John Prisco, Debunking Myths about Quantum Cryptography…
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