The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of cybersecurity and cryptography. Mea Cubitt
The Promise and the Perils of Quantum Computing: What You Should Know and How to Prepare | We are at the dawn of the next great computing paradigm—the quantum age of computing. Major strides are happening at an alarming rate to bring quantum computers mainstream. When a commercial quantum computer does arrive, it will have a transformative impact on business and society, ushering in new medical breakthroughs, engineering feats, and technical advancements that are unthinkable today. Source: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. The Promise and the Perils of Quantum Computing: What You Should Know and How to Prepare…
The Post-Quantum Cryptography World Is Coming: Here’s How to Prepare | Have you ever sat in traffic and cursed the town planners? For years, you may have watched as the town approved new subdivisions and stores along the roads you drive often. And you wondered when they would add a new lane, extend a road or install a new stoplight. But think about this: If you’re skipping over news articles about quantum computing and post-quantum cryptography, you’re doing the same thing in relation to your business that town planners seem to do relative to new construction — waiting for the negative impacts before fixing the issue. Source: Security Intelligence. The Post-Quantum Cryptography World Is Coming: Here’s How to Prepare…
Chief of the Air Staff – Defence and Security Equipment International speech | At DSEI in 2019, I talked about the importance of adapting at pace to meet the threats of the future. That’s as relevant today as it was then; the key difference now is that my aspirations are supported by a mandate from government and a £24.1bn increase in Defence spending over the next 4 years. For the Royal Air Force, this offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build an air and space force fit for the future, able and ready to act decisively on a global stage, protecting our nation. Source: GOV.UK. Chief of the Air Staff – Defence and Security Equipment International speech…