National Quantum Initiative Act Announced (It’s not the NQCRA of 2018)

U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, & Technology

The U.S. House Science, Space, and Technology Committee announced they are writing a proposal for the National Quantum Initiative Act, a similar proposal to that of the Quantum Computing Research Act of 2018 recently proposed. A bit early in the development, the first blush appears to have a lighter government touch on the direction of U.S. quantum information science (QIS) than its recent predecessor, the NQCRA of 2018. The National Quantum Initiative Act will accelerate quantum research and development. It will promote greater quantum research, standards, federal coordination, and collaboration among the key quantum players – laboratories, industry and universities.” Though lighter in appearance the Act anticipates bringing a whole of government approach to enhancing U.S. QIS. Key tenets are: (1) Establishment of a National Quantum Coordination Office (2) NIST, DoE, NSF will support quantum research centers and development therein (3) Encouragement of U.S. commercial industry to contribute to a national effort and (4) Enhancement of the pipeline for the U.S. quantum workforce in order to gain an international lead. Part of the salesmanship of this proposal is bringing a prototype of IBM’s 49-qubit system to Capitol Hill this week. Finally, in the past two weeks, Congress is getting on board. 



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