UK Government to Invest Nearly $200M USD in Quantum Computing
UK government to invest £153m in quantum computing
Opening the annual celebration of London’s technology sector, May said: “Already, we are one of the best places in the world to start and grow a tech business. “British tech is growing over one-and-a-half times faster than the rest of the economy, adding more than £130bn to our economy every year,” she said. “But if we are going to maintain our position as a global leader, our challenge is how we develop British tech and make it even better. We want this to be the place everyone thinks of – and comes to – first when they want to develop their world-changing tech ideas. This is a challenge shared between industry and government.
“Today, as we sit on the cusp… READ MORE
Source: Engineering & Technology | Published on 2019-06-10 | By E&T editorial staff