Thailand to Establish National Institute of Quantum Technology
Cabinet backs 37bn baht science, innovation scheme
Key points…
+ The government will spend 37 billion baht [approximately 1.2B USD] financing its ambitious scientific research and innovation development scheme in the next eight years to increase Thailand’s competitiveness and better brace it for an ageing population and degraded environment.
+ The scheme, which will start next year, has received a green light from the cabinet which agreed to give it money from the 2020 budget, deputy government spokeswoman Ratchada Thanadirek said.
The number of researchers will also increase to 25 per 10,000 people by 2021, according to the scheme.
+ Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Suvit Maesincee said he will take 200 million [about 6.5M USD] from the 37-billion-baht package to develop quantum technology, a physics field that deals with small particles at the atomic level. Laser and amplifier technologies are based on quantum knowledge, which also promises wider applications in computing, sensing as well as imaging in medicine.
+ This month, Mr Suvit said, 42 Thai quantum experts will meet to brainstorm a plan to establish the National Institute of Quantum Technology, expected to take shape in five years.
Source: Bangkok Post. Mongkol Bangprapa, Cabinet backs 37bn baht science, innovation scheme …
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