U.S. National Quantum Initiative Act Receives 2020 Funding

U.S. National Quantum Initiative Act Receives 2020 Funding

White House Trumpets Broadband Bucks in 2020 Funding Bill

In brief…

+  The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy pinted to what they thought were the key tech-promoting funding initiatives in the just-passed 2020 appropriations bill packages.

+  In an e-mail, OSTP pointed to key tech funding, citing money for rural broadband; artificial intelligence (AI), and quantum computing as the highlights.

+  The National Science Foundation got $106 million for research into “all aspects” of quantum information science, the National Institute of Standards and Technology gets $40 million to implement the National Quantum Initiative Act, which is up $10 million from 2019; and the Department of Energy go $195 million, $120 million for basic research and $75 million for up to five research centers mandated by the Act.

Source:  Multichannel News.  John Eggerton,  White House Trumpets Broadband Bucks in 2020 Funding Bill…

Content may have been edited for style and clarity.

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