The White House Proposes $120M Additional Funding for QIS in 2021
White House Plans to Boost AI, Quantum Funding by 30%
Key points…
+ The Trump administration has proposed a spending increase of about 30% in the 2021 nondefense budget for artificial intelligence and quantum information science.
The research and development report shows that the Trump administration is on track to meet its commitment of roughly doubling nondefense research and development spending on artificial intelligence and quantum information sciences between 2020 and 2022.
+ The 2021 funding proposal for the technologies was released Friday as part of an AI and quantum technology research and development report from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
+ The White House’s fiscal year 2021 budget proposal includes $1.5 billion for AI, up from about $1.12 billion in 2020, and $699 million for quantum information science, up from about $579 million in 2020. The $2.2 billion total funding proposal for 2021 represents about a 30% increase over the $1.7 billion in spending across the two technologies that was appropriated by Congress this year.
Source: THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Sara Castellanos, White House Plans to Boost AI, Quantum Funding by 30%
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