Quantum Computer Developed by Chinese Physicists May Achieve Quantum Supremacy One Million Times Greater than Sycamore from Google
Selected notes ~
+ Physicist Pan Jianwei and his research team may have achieved quantum supremacy, however, we need more verification at this time. Jianwei’s team is backed by the Chinese government.+ He works as a physicist at the University of Science and Technology of China, where he announced during a lecture at Westlake University, Hangzhou, (on September 5, 2020) that a newly developed machine achieved “quantum supremacy” one million times greater than what Google’s Sycamore can process.
As reported by the SCMP, China now claims that it has taken “a quantum leap” with a machine that may be able to process information a million times faster than Google’s latest quantum computer, called Sycamore.
+ Sycamore has been able to complete certain calculations in approximately 200 seconds, which was demonstrated in 2019. The same calculation will take around 10,000 years to complete even if we use the world’s fastest binary model computer.
+ However, Jianwei has pointed out that the results are still preliminary at this point. He also mentioned that there’s no “100% guarantee until further verification.”
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