Nationwide quantum training program selects third cohort of students
In brief…
+ The Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network (QISE-NET), an initiative funded by a $2.5M award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), welcomes its third cohort this fall. As the new cohort of QISE-NET scholars begins their work, applications for QISE-NET’s fourth cohort are now open.
Students in the network are co-mentored by a university PI and a mentor from a national laboratory or industry. QISE-NET enables students to build partnerships and collaborations with industry by embedding the students into companies and national laboratories, laying a path for future career possibilities. Participating students also receive up to three years of funding.
+ QISE-NET helps to address the critical need for a quantum workforce by creating a collaborative training program linking academia and industry, allowing students to pursue research in quantum science and develop pathways to careers in industry. The one-of-a-kind program, which was founded in 2018, has become a model for similar programs across the country.
+ “The QISE-NET program provides a unique framework – bringing together academia, industry and national laboratories – to give participating students a diversity of experiences, exposure to opportunities, and professional guidance as they work to launch their careers in quantum science and engineering,” said David Awschalom, Liew Family Professor of Molecular Engineering at UChicago; director of the Chicago Quantum Exchange and of QISE-NET. “We are thrilled by the success of the program and welcome this new cohort of QISE-NET scholars into our growing network.”
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