Interesting read and to be expected as the quantum industry matures. Recommend reading from the source. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit
Canada must act fast to prepare for the quantum age
+ Canada has been an early global leader in quantum research, but its ecosystem resembles a house of cards consisting of small injections of funds with ambiguous strategic purpose. The government didn’t have a comprehensive and coherent vision for our research and industry, until it finally announced a national quantum strategy for Canada, including a budget commitment of $360 million over seven years.
The clock is ticking. Innovation, Science and Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne now has an unmatched opportunity to rewrite the rules of the global race. A national strategy could bring Canada back to the research and innovation race. With an inclusive and responsible strategy that includes the legal, policy, ethical, and societal aspects of quantum technologies, Canada could lead the global conversation.
+ A national strategy can do wonders for an ecosystem, as shown by the 2017 CIFAR-led pan-Canadian AI strategy. A global success story for research and innovation, the AI strategy nonetheless has blind spots, notably, the lack of true investments in societal, ethical, legal, and policy considerations, which are continued in the 2021 budget.
+ For now, much of the quantum conversation is about the technological race, with the possible negative effects coming as an afterthought. While quantum computing and simulation might help mitigate climate change or improve AI techniques, they can also affect the environment, create resource scarcity, or facilitate controversial practices, such as algorithmic surveillance or genetic engineering.
+ It’s imperative that our national strategy invest in and promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization of the talent pipeline and workforce. A diverse workforce will lead to more inclusive and responsible research and innovation. To that end, a government-financed quantum strategy should invest in gender, diversity, and the environment.
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