Quantum Fundamentals, Architecture and Machines. Stanford University is set to support the recently signed National Quantum Initiative Act. By launching the Quantum Fundamentals, Architecture and Machines (Q-FARM) initiative to leverage and expand the university’s strengths in quantum science and engineering and to train the field’s next generation of scientists, Stanford aims to accomplish three facets of the Q-FARM project:
To conduct research, to educate students, and to fill gaps in quantum science and engineering.
“Our mission is not only to do research, it’s also to educate students, bring the community together, fill the gaps that we have in this space and connect to the world outside, both to industry and to other academic institutions,” said Q-FARM director Jelena Vuckovic, a professor of electrical engineering.
In December, 2018, President Trump signed the National Quantum Initiative, which authorized $1.275 billion in funding over the next five years. The funds will enable U.S. quantum information science research, creating multiple dedicated centers, including Stanford.
“Bringing one of those centers to Stanford and SLAC will help us maintain the strengths we already possess and establish ourselves more broadly in this field,” Jelena Vuckovic, Q-FARM director stated.
Reference is found at Stanford | News…