Speed Reading Quantum Memory. Researchers in Finland have developed a method to increase the read-rate from quantum bits, or qubits. Typically, to extract any useful information from qubits, the method that reads information from qubits must take the least amount of time as possible, allowing as few errors as possible. Decoherence, when qubits lose their quantum information, is a major challenge to quantum computing’s development.
The new method helps to read the data fast enough to avoid environmental-induced errors. “Until now, the method used to read information from a qubit was to apply a short microwave pulse to the superconducting circuit containing the qubit and then measure the reflected microwave. After 300 nanoseconds, the state of the qubit can be deduced from the behavior of the reflected signal… The new method applies an extra microwave pulse at the same time to the qubit itself, as well as to the circuit attached to the qubit. By using two pulses instead of one, the team at Aalto was able to make the reflected pulse reveal qubit states substantially faster than when they only applied a single pulse.”
“Artistic impression of qubit (blue chip) readout using the quantum states of a resonator (blue and red jets).” Image credit: Heikka Valja/Aalto University
‘We were able to complete the readout in 300 nanoseconds in our first experiments, but we think that going below 100 nanoseconds is just around the corner,’ says Joni Ikonen, a PhD student at Aalto University.
The experimental research was carried out at Finland’s OtaNano research facility. The facility provides infrastructure for micro, nano, and quatum technology experimentation and studies.
Reference is found at Aalto University…