Designing and Controlling Quantum Computers with AI

Designing and Controlling Quantum Computers with AI

Thanks to AI, we know we can teleport qubits in the real world

Excerpts and salient points ~

+  The phenomenon of qubit transfer is not new, but this work, which was led by Enrico Prati of the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies in Milan, is the first to do it in a situation where the system deviates from ideal conditions.

Italian researchers have shown that it is possible to teleport a quantum bit (or qubit) in what might be called a real-world situation.

+  In this approach two neural networks are used: an “actor” has the task of finding new solutions, and a “critic” must assess the quality of these solution. Provided a reliable way to judge the respective results can be given by the researchers, these two networks can examine the problem independently. The researchers, then, set up this artificial intelligence method, assigning it the task of discovering alone how to control the qubit.

+  “So, we let artificial intelligence find its own solution, without giving it preconceptions or examples,” Prati says. “It found another solution that is faster than the original one, and furthermore it adapts when there are disturbances.” In other words, he adds, artificial intelligence “has understood the phenomenon and generalised the result better than us”.

Source:  COSMOS THE SCIENCE OF EVERYTHING.  Gabriella Bernardi,  Thanks to AI, we know we can teleport qubits in the real world…

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