Quantum Internet Through More Quantum Spins In Diamonds
A ten-qubit solid-state spin register with remarkable quantum memory
In brief…
+ Recently, a team of researchers at TU Delft and Element Six has successfully demonstrated a fully controllable ten-qubit spin register with a quantum memory up to one minute. Their findings, presented in a paper published in Physical Review X, could pave the way for the development of larger and yet controllable quantum registers, ultimately opening up new exciting possibilities for quantum computing.
“This will require encoding quantum states over many qubits and performing careful measurements to detect and correct errors without disturbing the encoded information,” Taminiau added. “This has so far been out of reach for any system, but our results now make it possible to pursue this using spins in diamond.”
+ “The main objective of our study was to realize a precisely controlled system of a large amount of qubits using the spins of atoms embedded in a diamond,” Tim Taminiau, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told Phys.org via email. “These spins are promising quantum bits for quantum computation and quantum networks, but previous results were limited to just a few qubits. The key open challenge is that on the one hand, all the spins in the system must be coupled together to function as a single quantum processor, but on the other hand, this makes it difficult to selectively control them with high precision.”
+ Taminiau and his colleagues successfully developed an entirely new method to control multiple qubits. This technique uses an electron spin qubit to selectively control many individual nuclear spin qubits, while simultaneously decoupling them and thus protecting them from unwanted interactions in the system.xxxxxUsing their method, the researchers were able to control a considerably larger number of spins compared to previous studies, with remarkably high precision. They applied their technique to a system composed of 10 spins associated to a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond. This NV center has an electron spin providing a qubit than can be optically read out (i.e. one can determine its value) and that can be controlled with microwave pulses.
Source: PHYS.ORG. Ingrid Fadelli, A ten-qubit solid-state spin register with remarkable quantum memory…
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