Whether It’s Woven Fabric or a Blanket, Entangled Photons in a Mesh Studied for ~ Optical Quantum Computing
Blanket of light may give better quantum computers
Excerpts and salient points ~
+ The researchers describe how they have succeeded in creating entangled, squeezed light at room temperature. A discovery that could pave the way for less expensive and more powerful quantum computers.
+ Their work concerns one of the most notoriously difficult quantum phenomena to understand: entanglement. It describes how physical objects can be brought into a state in which they are so intricately linked that they can no longer be described individually.
“The prevailing view among researchers is that quantum mechanics is a universally valid theory and therefore also applicable in the macroscopic day-to-day world we normally live in. This also means that it should be possible to observe quantum phenomena on a large scale, and this is precisely what we strive to do in the Danish National Research Foundation Center of Excellence bigQ,” says Ulrik Lund Andersen.
+ The researchers have produced light beams with special quantum mechanical properties (squeezed states) and woven them together using optical fibre components to form an extremely entangled quantum state with a two-dimensional lattice structure—also called a cluster state.
+ Creating such an extensive degree of quantum physical entanglement is—in itself—interesting basic research, but the cluster state is also a potential resource for creating an optical quantum computer. This approach is an interesting alternative to the more widespread superconducting technologies, as everything takes place at room temperature.
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