Quantum Teleportation Through Quantum Chemistry
Teleportation, of the Star Trek kind, is within the realm of the possible [still]. This was the bottom line to a hallway discussion at Quantum.Tech Congress in Boston this past September. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit.
Quantum Teleportation on the Nanoscale Using a Chemical Reaction
Excerpts and salient points ~
+ A team of Northwestern University researchers is the first to document the role chemistry will play in next generation computing and communication. By applying their expertise to the field of Quantum Information Science (QIS), they discovered how to move quantum information on the nanoscale through quantum teleportation—an emerging topic within the field of QIS.
+ Quantum teleportation allows for the transfer of quantum information from one location to another, in addition to a more secure delivery of that information through significantly improved encryption.
“This is a first step in showing that chemists can provide ideas and materials for what has up until now been in the realm of physicists,” explained Matthew D. Krzyaniak, research assistant professor at Northwestern and with the Wasielewski Group. “By generating entangled electrons through photochemistry that interact with a third electron in an organic radical, we can teleport information from one end of a molecule to another through electron transfer and ensure that it is moved without compromising, or changing, the information carried
+ The Wasielewski Group was able to teleport information across a molecule using an electron transfer mechanism, which has never been achieved before. This discovery has implications for computing and communication as well as sensing—such as refining the scale on which a magnetic field can be sensed— where the well-developed tools of synthetic chemistry can tailor a solution to the specific problem.
+ The findings also provide a pathway to improve efficiencies in computing worldwide by reducing energy usage, according to Wasielewski, who serves as the Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainability and Energy (ISEN) at Northwestern.
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