Chicago Quantum Exchange: New analysis shows promise of quantum technologies based on silicon carbide
New analysis shows promise of quantum technologies based on silicon carbide
Points to note…
+ An especially important advance in quantum information science highlighted in the article has been the ability to create and electrically control individual quantum states in commercial silicon carbide wafers that maintain quantum coherence, the length of time a quantum state can survive, for many milliseconds.
“It’s exciting to think about working with foundries and commercial partners to move these technologies out of the lab and into the real world, using the same techniques that make your smartphone’s processor,” said UChicago postdoctoral scholar Chris Anderson, co-author on the article.
+ Without quantum coherence, quantum computers and other technologies cannot operate. Many milliseconds, as brief as that may seem, ranks among the best quantum coherence times attained by any existing semiconductor.
+ Awschalom’s group is working on a technique that will greatly increase the quantum coherence time in silicon carbide materials. These increased coherence times are a direct result of the unique nature of the silicon carbide host, further indicating the promise of silicon carbide as an ideal material for quantum systems.
+ Another important advance in the application of silicon carbide to quantum communications is the integration of quantum bits with photons (individual particles of light), to transfer quantum information from matter to light, and then back to matter once again. Much like how the internet derives its usefulness and power from linking together many computers, an interface between matter and light is needed for sending quantum information over long distances, allowing quantum devices to communicate with each other to form vastly more powerful and complex systems.
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