UNSW and U. Melbourne Find Pathway to Silicon Quantum Computing via Increased Coherence of Quantum Bits
Scientists strengthen quantum building blocks in milestone critical for scale-up
+ A group of international scientists have substantially lengthened the duration of time that a spin-orbit qubit in silicon can retain quantum information for, opening up a new pathway to make silicon quantum computers more scalable and functional.
“We turned the conventional wisdom on its head by demonstrating exceptionally long coherence times – ~10 milliseconds – and therefore, that spin-orbit qubits can be remarkably robust,” says UNSW Professor Sven Rogge, Chief Investigator, Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T), who led the research team.
+ Spin-orbit qubits have been investigated for over a decade as an option to scale up the number of qubits in a quantum computer, as they are easy to manipulate and couple over long distances. However, they have always shown very limited coherence times, far too short for quantum technologies.
+ The scientists demonstrated coherence times 10,000 times longer than previously recorded for spin-orbit qubits, making them an ideal candidate for scaling up silicon quantum computers.
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