UNSW and U. Melbourne Find Pathway to Silicon Quantum Computing via Increased Coherence of Quantum Bits

UNSW and U. Melbourne Find Pathway to Silicon Quantum Computing via Increased Coherence of Quantum Bits

Scientists strengthen quantum building blocks in milestone critical for scale-up

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+  A group of international scientists have substantially lengthened the duration of time that a spin-orbit qubit in silicon can retain quantum information for, opening up a new pathway to make silicon quantum computers more scalable and functional.

“We turned the conventional wisdom on its head by demonstrating exceptionally long coherence times – ~10 milliseconds – and therefore, that spin-orbit qubits can be remarkably robust,” says UNSW Professor Sven Rogge, Chief Investigator, Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology (CQC2T), who led the research team.

+  Spin-orbit qubits have been investigated for over a decade as an option to scale up the number of qubits in a quantum computer, as they are easy to manipulate and couple over long distances. However, they have always shown very limited coherence times, far too short for quantum technologies.

+  The scientists demonstrated coherence times 10,000 times longer than previously recorded for spin-orbit qubits, making them an ideal candidate for scaling up silicon quantum computers.

Source:  Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology.  Prof. Sven Rogge, Takashi Kobayashi, Joe Salfi,  Scientists strengthen quantum building blocks in milestone critical for scale-up…

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