Tohoku University Researchers Enable More Effective Electron Spin for Better Information Carriage

Tohoku University Researchers Enable More Effective Electron Spin for Better Information Carriage

Spin, Spin, Spin: Researchers Enhance Electron Spin Longevity

+  The electron is an elementary particle, a building block on which other systems evolve. With specific properties such as spin, or angular momentum, that can be manipulated to carry information, electrons are primed to advance modern information technology. An international collaboration of researchers has now developed a way to extend and stabilize the lifetime of the electron’s spin to more effectively carry information.

“We found the new way to use spin degree of freedom as electron spin wave,” said Makoto Kohda, paper author and associate professor in the Department of Materials Science at Tohoku University.

+  The electron spin wave, a term coined by Kohda and the research team, carries information, as well. The problem is that the spin wave could only propagate for so long before losing its information.

+  “We theoretically found a way to enhance the electron spin wave’s lifetime by choosing the proper crystal orientations,” Kohda said.

+  In a simulated experiment, the electron spin is confined in a quantum well with various crystal orientations. When the researchers adjusted the orientation of the crystal to allow the spin orientation to sit perpendicularly, the crystal structure partially protected the electron spin wave from relaxing too much. The protection allowed the spin to persist for up to 30% longer than normal.

Source:  Tohoku University.  Daisuke Lizasa, Makoto Kohda, Ulrich Zülicke, Junsaku Nitta, and Michael Kammermeier,  Spin, Spin, Spin: Researchers Enhance Electron Spin Longevity…

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