The experimental demonstration of entanglement between mechanical and spin systems
+ “About a decade ago, we proposed a way to generate entanglement between a mechanical oscillator and a spin oscillator via photons, using the principle that was later called ‘quantum mechanics free subspaces’ or ‘trajectories without quantum uncertainties,'” said Eugene S. Polzik, who led the group that carried out the study. “In our new paper, we report experimental implementation of these proposals.”
“Entanglement between the mechanical and spin systems is generated by sending light through both systems, a positive mass mechanical oscillator and a spin oscillator with an effective negative mass,” Polzik said. “Performing a measurement on the transmitted light projects the two systems into an entangled state. Subsequent repeated measurement verifies the entanglement by showing that the quantum fluctuations of the two systems are strongly correlated.”
+ To generate entanglement between a mechanical and a spin system, Polzik and his colleagues leveraged a key feature of spin oscillators, namely that they can have an effective negative mass. When it is excited, a spin oscillator’s energy is reduced, which allows it to become entangled with a more conventional mechanical oscillator that has a positive mass. The researchers experimentally generated this entanglement by performing a joint measurement on both oscillators.
+ This team of researchers was the first To experimentally demonstrate entanglement between a mechanical and a spin system. In the future, their work could contribute to the development of new quantum technologies and protocols that are based on entanglement between different types of oscillators. In their next studies, Polzik and his colleagues plan To evaluate the effectiveness of their approach for performing quantum teleportation and To develop other quantum communication tools.
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