Not So Cheery Quantum Computing Prediction Beyond 2019…

Not So Cheery Quantum Computing Prediction Beyond 2019…
Top technology innovations for 2019 include blockchain’s comeback, artificial intelligence’s expansion via the cloud, and quantum computing.  But all is not as transformative – in 2019 – as one would imagine.  According to this op-ed, quantum computers will not replace classical computers for decades, if ever.  The prediction is that during 2019 or 2020 quantum supremacy, will be attained.  Quantum supremacy is “[the] case where a quantum computer will be able to perform a certain task that no classical (traditional transistor-based digital) computer can solve in a practical amount of time or using a practical amount of resources.”  Quantum supremacy may mark a conceptual turning point in 2019 or 2020, but the reality is that quantum computers may not be ready for the commercial market for decades and certainly not at the $1T market share that classical systems have now.

Reference is found at The East African…


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