The World’s Computing Power Outstripping Earth’s Ability to Provide It; Quantum Computing May Make All the Difference. Imagine having a classical computer, a supercomputer, which demands 1/2 of the output of the average U.S. hydroelectric plant to function. Tianhe-2, the most-energy consumptive computer on the planet gobbles up just that — 18 megawatts. The average U.S. hydroelectric plant produces roughly 36 megawatts of power. As classical systems become more and more embeded in everything, everywhere, the power consumption only continues to grow.
How might a quantum computer help? Likely through better scientific discoveries in chemistry and physics, but in energy consumption alone one fully functional quantum computer could reduce the need for such energy-guzzling supercomputing.
The simple, dollar-for-dollar cost of operation of quantum computing versus supercomputing is such that “…a year’s worth of electricity at 1 megawatt costs about $1 million in the U.S., this leads to multimillion-dollar price tags for operating these classical supercomputers. In contrast, each comparable quantum computer using 25 kilowatts of power costs about $25,000 per unit per year to run.”
There is much more to be gleaned from the study and discussion of quantum computing and the early vision on how these devices will help us — mankind. Well worth your effort to take a fresh look at these new ideas and angles. Because quantum is coming. Qubit.