Dippin Its Whiskers Further Into the Military Milk-Bowl of Quantum Technology

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ColdQuanta eyes quantum applications in electronic warfare (EW), sensors, and anti-submarine warfare (ASW)

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+  U.S. military researchers needed enabling technologies to advance the performance of atomic vapors for electric field sensing in applications ranging from airborne electronic warfare (EW) to naval anti-submarine warfare (ASW). They found their solution from ColdQuanta Inc. in Boulder, Colo.

DARPA researchers are asking ColdQuanta scientists to develop high-performance atomic vapors for electric field sensing and imaging, magnetic field sensing, and quantum information science (QIS).


+  ColdQuanta specializes in commercializing quantum technology, and in developing technology for quantum applications, which rely on quantum physics for next-generation computing, sensors, cryptography, simulation, metrology, and imaging.

+  ColdQuanta will pursue new technologies for important military needs like low size, weight and power (SWaP); high-sensitivity electric and magnetic field measurements; and application that require scalable room-temperature quantum memories and interfaces. One challenge is to improve atomic coherence in vapors, and will depend on dominant decoherence mechanisms.

Source:  Military & Aerospace Electronics.  John Keller,  ColdQuanta eyes quantum applications in electronic warfare (EW), sensors, and anti-submarine warfare (ASW)…

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