Josephson Junctions, Superconducting Switches, Magical Materials all From Graphene

MIT Researchers Stumble Upon A Magic Material For Quantum Computers

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+  A group of MIT researchers involving: Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Cecil and Ida Green, Professor of Physics at MIT, claim to have found a way to build better QCs. The researchers devised three new quantum electronic devices from a ‘magic material’.

Quantum computing holds potential to accelerate the way we deal with problems, but building reliable QCs is the real challenge. Currently, the superconductors operate at extremely low temperatures, thereby limiting their applications. However, the researchers are hopeful that it will create the possibility for high-temperature superconductors in the future.


+  Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov from the University of Manchester, UK, received the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics for experiments regarding the two-dimensional material known by the name Graphene— the magic material. Graphene is a one-atom-thick layer of carbon arranged in a honeycomb structure. Similarly, multiple other applications can be carved out of the same.

+  The three devices: Josephson junction, or superconducting switch; a spectroscopic tunnelling device; and a single-electron transistor, were created from a single material.

+ A Josephson junction is created by sandwiching a non-superconducting layer between two superconducting layers. It has its applications in making SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference devices) make precise measurements of the magnetic fields. The spectroscopic tunnelling device, thus created, will be the key to study more about superconductivity. It holds wide applications such as superconducting wire, which has the potential to carry immense electrical currents without heating to generate large magnetic fields. Similarly, the single-electron transistor device, being extremely sensitive to electric fields, has a variety of applications, including infrared signals detection at room temperature.

Source:  Analytics India Mag.  Kumar Gandharv,  MIT Researchers Stumble Upon A Magic Material For Quantum Computers…

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