quantum sensors

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AliroNet Quickstart Launches to Build Secure Quantum Networks with Entanglement

Aliro has introduced AliroNet Quickstart, a bundled solution for building secure quantum networks using entanglement. The product offers configurable environments for piloting communication networks while combining classical and quantum security methods. AliroNet Quickstart provides flexible options for networking quantum processors, sensors, and secure communication systems.

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Usually, a Defect in a Diamond Is a Bad Thing

Usually, a defect in a diamond is a bad thing… But for engineers, miniscule blips in a diamond’s otherwise stiff crystal structure are paving the way for ultrasensitive quantum sensors that push the limits of today’s technologies.

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Quantum Workforce Development All But a Part of U Washington’s Grant from the National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation on Sept. 9 announced it will fund a new endeavor to bring atomic-level precision to the devices and technologies that underpin much of modern life, and will transform fields like information technology in the decades to come. The five-year, $25 million Science and Technology Center grant will found the Center for Integration of Modern Optoelectronic Materials on Demand — or IMOD — a collaboration of scientists and engineers at 11 universities led by the University of Washington.

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Quantum Sensor Market Taking Off

The quantum computer market is an emerging and hot business. So is the quantum sensor market, where several entities are developing this technology for a range of applications.

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Q-CTRL Granted $3.5M Space-Based Quantum Sensor Efforts

Q-CTRL, a startup that applies the principles of control engineering to power quantum technology, has been awarded a $3.5 million grant (USD) from the Australian government’s Modern Manufacturing Initiative (MMI) to expand the development and manufacture of quantum-based remote sensing technologies for space deployment.

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