quantum simulations

Stony Brook U Discovery Provides Novel Platform for the Second Quantum Revolution

The development of experimental platforms that advance the field of quantum science and technology (QIST) comes with a unique set of advantages and challenges common to any emergent technology. Researchers at Stony Brook University, led by Dominik Schneble, PhD, report the formation of matter-wave polaritons in an optical lattice, an experimental discovery that enables studies of a central QIST paradigm through direct quantum simulation using ultracold atoms. The researchers project that their novel quasiparticles, which mimic strongly interacting photons in materials and devices but circumvent some of the inherent challenges, will benefit the further development of QIST platforms that are poised to transform computing and communication technology.

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Europe Enters New Era of Hybrid Quantum-HPC

With the “High-Performance Computer and Quantum Simulator hybrid” (HPCQS) project, Europe is entering a new era of hybrid quantum high-performance computing. The aim is to closely connect two quantum simulators, each with over 100 qubits, with two European supercomputers. The infrastructure project is part of the research and innovation action “Advanced pilots towards the European exascale Supercomputers” and is funded by the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) based in Luxembourg. HPCQS has a total budget of 12 million euros over 4 years, which is financed in equal parts by EuroHPC JU and the participating member states.

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Alibaba, QRNGs, and FinTech all for Cybersecurity

The quantum technology Alibaba has developed is now being put to the test for quantum encryption for financial transactions among its cloud users, including Ant Financial and Alipay. According to Leilei Huang, an infrastructure engineer and colleagues at Oxford, this quantum security work has been in production for over a year.

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