If we could not find room for it, time to digest it, or a reason to run it during the past week, we have collected it here. Not a recap for the week, but a cleanup of pieces we received and just could not get to.
Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit.
Quantum leap as IBM invests in Cambridge trailblazer | A fresh upsurge in quantum computing capability looks nailed on following IBM’s decision to become a strategic investor in Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC). Source: BUSINESS WEEKLY UK. Tony Quested, Quantum leap as IBM invests in Cambridge trailblazer…
DOE awards $97M in grants through its small business programs | The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will award 86 grants totaling $97 million through its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs… In the DOEʻs Office of Advanced Scientific Computing, the awards were for projects related to Configurable Entangled Photon Source for Quantum Networks; Tensor Operation Minimization and Optimization for Extreme-Scale Computational Chemistry and Deep Learning; and Intuitive Data Analysis for Assessing Network Performance at Scale. Source: DailyEnergyInsider. Dave Kovaleski, DOE awards $97M in grants through its small business programs…
Cisco unveils multiyear plan for ‘building a new Internet’ | “Building a new Internet that can support future digital innovation will depend on continued breakthroughs in silicon and optics technologies. Cisco has advanced intellectual property in these areas…” Over the next decade, digital experiences will be created with advanced technologies: virtual and augmented reality, 16K-resolution streaming, artificial intelligence (AI), fifth-generation cellular telephony (5G), quantum computing, adaptive and predictive cybersecurity, intelligent Internet of Things (IoT), and others not yet invented, says Robbins. Source: Creamer Media’s Engineering News. Schalik Burger, Cisco unveils multiyear plan for ‘building a new Internet’…
Innovations power the physics of the future at the APS March Meeting | The world’s largest meeting of physicists will get underway in Denver, Colorado, at the beginning of March. More than 10,000 attendees will gather for the March Meeting of the American Physical Society, which promises to deliver a packed scientific programme as well as plenty of opportunities for networking, exploring options for careers and professional development, and catching up with colleagues and friends. Source: physicsworld. APS March Meeting exhibitors, Innovations power the physics of the future at the APS March Meeting…
Electrons, not Ions, Provide Superior Plasma Etching of Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices | In quantum computing, atomically smooth surfaces are required for optimal performance. EEMP can also be used to smooth a surface prior to growing another material on top of it using molecular beam epitaxy or chemical vapor deposition. Source: MANUFACTURING TOMORROW. VelvETch, Electrons, not Ions, Provide Superior Plasma Etching of Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices…
Cloud misconfigurations are a new risk for the enterprise | In addition to making sure cloud configurations are secure, security teams have to address tomorrow’s security risks today, Grobman said… Advances in quantum computing will be a double-edged sword with the downside being the threat to existing encryption systems. Source: TechRepublic. Veronica Combs, Cloud misconfigurations are a new risk for the enterprise…
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