If we could not find room for it, time to digest it, or a reason to run it during the past week, we have collected it here. Not a recap for the week, but a cleanup of pieces we received and just could not get to.
Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit.
Technology Predictions from a [Precision] Electronic Test Thinktank | In 2020, expect a substantial rise in specialized processors, such as GPUs and chips, which implement artificial-intelligence (AI) architectures that determine how a network processes and routes information and maintains security, privacy, and integrity. Quantum computing and engineering will continue to be in an aggressive hype phase in 2020, but the ability to control, measure, and error-correct quantum systems as the number of qubits grows will be important from the start. As measurement and operation of the computer blends, those interested in building practical quantum computers will require knowledge about measurement technologies and techniques before quantum computing goes into the mainstream. Source: Microwaves & RF. Jeff Harris, Jay Alexander, Technology Predictions from a [Precision] Electronic Test Thinktank…
Introduction to Quantum Computing & Understanding of Hardware | The idea and concept of quantum computing started in the early 1970s. When Richard Feynmann introduced the concept of quantum computing in the conference on Physics of computation. In Feynman’s talk, he observed that it appeared to be impossible to efficiently simulate an evolution of a quantum system on a classical computer, and he proposed a basic model for a quantum computer. Later the development in the technology of quantum computing started to rise exponentially. Source: M. Raoof Naushad, Introduction to Quantum Computing & Understanding of Hardware…
1.0 What is Quantum Computing? (Simple and Comprehensive) | Many of you might be wondering, what is quantum computing in the first place? You might have watched countless Youtube videos, read tons of articles, googled the topic, or even ask your computer science nerdy friend but still could not get the hang of it. Maybe, this might even be your first encounter with an article that explains what quantum computing is. Do not worry, just kindly allow me to seamlessly explain what Quantum Computing really is. Source: M. Celestino Kinyari, 1.0 What is Quantum Computing? (Simple and Comprehensive)…
Quantum Computing for Everyone | Quantum computing. It’s a commonly thrown-around buzz word in science fiction and popular media, along the likes of ‘quantum entanglement’ and ‘quantum teleportation’. But what really is it? Source: M. Andre Ye, Quantum Computing for Everyone…
A beginner’s guide to quantum computer programming | Quantum computing takes a radically different approach to programming. IBM’s education head discusses how to get started. Source: ComputerWeekly.com. Abraham Asfaw, A beginner’s guide to quantum computer programming…
Viewpoint: Machine Learning Tackles Spacetime. Neural networks enable an important calculation in a popular approach to unifying quantum mechanics with general relativity. Source:APS physics, Viewpoint: Machine Learning Tackles Spacetime…
$2.1M DARPA grant puts Lehigh Univ. optimization experts at vanguard of quantum computing. International group led by industrial and systems engineering faculty members Tamás Terlaky, Luis Zuluaga, and Boris Defourny will work on optimization algorithms in quantum computing. Source: EurekAlert! $2.1M DARPA grant puts Lehigh Univ. optimization experts at vanguard of quantum computing…
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