Silicon Spin Qubits… On a Chip…

Silicon Spin Qubits… On a Chip… At this nascent stage in the [prospect] of quantum computers, we at The Qubit Report feel it is right to put forth what may be construed as advertising. However, if one takes a look at the research, the how, and the why at this early stage in QC, we […]

Guess Again, FrodoKEM! Quantum-Safe Submissions for NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography Project

Guess Again, FrodoKEM! Quantum-Safe Submissions for NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography Project CRYSTALS DILITHIUM, Gravity-SPHINCS and HiMQ-3 are just several of the 50+ submissions to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) project to define quantum-safe algorithms. Round 1 submissions have closed and the algorithms are under close review. NIST has posted details for each of […]

What Is The Quantum Computing Equivalent of a Wire?

What Is The Quantum Computing Equivalent of a Wire? Light. Researchers across several institutes have managed to harness electromagnetic wave properties of light, encoding the spin state with the light’s electric field. One step further and you have this coupled photon delivering the spin state to another qubit… This report from Princeton University is found […]

A Quantum Internet {For Europe}

A Quantum Internet {For Europe} Or is it ARPANET, albeit the quantum version? Plans, at least conceptually, have been developed in part with researchers at Delft University, to create a quantum network. Though focused on connecting four cities in the Netherlands, the project is looking to expand continent-wide. The expanded project, dubbed, the “Quantum Internet […]