Financial Cryptosystem Cybersecurity in an Era Ruled by Quantum Computers

Financial Cryptosystem Cybersecurity in an Era Ruled by Quantum Computers Once quantum computing is strong enough to break financial cryptosystems, will the financial industry be able to promulgate quantum-resistant protocols in time to secure them from decryption? As it appears in this piece, the protocols protecting financial systems from quantum computing are well-underway. The challenge […]

Quantum Key Agreement Protocols

Quantum Key Agreement Protocols Whether or not the world sees quantum supremacy soon or fifty years from now (Because Quantum is Coming), great minds are working on the sharing of quantum secret keys. A team of researchers from Taiwan’s National Chi Nan University have developed a multi-party quantum key agreement protocol. The research suggests the […]

Quantum Random Number Generator — Coming to a Self-Driving Vehicle Near You

Quantum Random Number Generator — Coming to a Self-Driving Vehicle Near You For the tech-nut, the automobile-nut, and the cybersecurity-nut, the authors at iHLS have found a mesh of these facets: Connected and autonomous vehicles. Some call them self-driving cars. Well, add quantum computing to these prolific high-tech contraptions. Cybersecurity of these vehicles is one […]