It’s Epic, or Rather, EPiQC

It’s Epic, or Rather, EPiQC. The National Science Foundation, as The Qubit Report has reported previously, is working with five universities to broaden quantum’s exposure. Enabling Practical-Scale Quantum Computing, as the initiative is titled, looks to garner attention to algorithm design efficiency in conjunction with device and device logic. There are other key aspects to […]

Aiding Quantum Information Science with Nanowires

Aiding Quantum Information Science with Nanowires The U.S. Department of Energy is studying nanowires — tiny wires smaller than a human hair — and have unveiled defects in the materials comprising the wires. The opto-electronic devices used transfer the energy from photons into electric pulses. Defects in the wires negatively affect the device performance. The […]

Kagome Lattice ~ Quantum Circuitry

Quantinuum QC

Kagome Lattice ~ Quantum Circuitry Looking like a kagome lattice, iron and tin atoms arranged in the triangular structure in the below image reveal quantum-like properties. As electrical current flows across the structure, energy is retained. The action is similar to the Quantum Hall Effect of electrons tightly bending in circular paths along material edges. […]

Sibos 2018, in Sydney.  Financial Giants Get Quantum for Lunch.

  Sibos 2018, in Sydney.  Financial Giants Get Quantum for Lunch.  Financial powers from around the globe meet in Sydney, Australia, to discuss the digital world as it applies to the financial world.  “Lunch & learn: Quantum computing,” a crash course in quantum computing, is being presented during the lunch hour.  At least quantum has […]