Maintaining Quantum Information Through Error Reduction

Maintaining Quantum Information Through Error Reduction.  Brining ions back into line to maintain their quantum information has been accomplished by physicists at ETH Zurich.  Quantum computing computation and quantum metrology stand to gain.  This report found at…

Quantum-Resistant Signatures on Your Host

  Quantum-Resistant Signatures on Your Host.  The vulnerabilities of prime number factorization posed by quantum computers is alarming as much of our PKI-based infrastructure relies on this method of encryption.  There is an alternative, “Hash to Obtain Random Subset” (HoRS).  It’s an option to consider to secure your communications against quantum computing. Report is found […]

Risk and Mitigations for Quantum Computing Enterprise Systems

  Risk and Mitigations for Quantum Computing Enterprise Systems.  What is the scope of the quantum computing risk to your cryptographic infrastructure?  This report looks at the issues related to all of your business systems.  It encompasses transaction systems including external businesses and those for the consumers; whether a cloud service or on an endpoint.  […]

QKD Over Long Distance; Crucial to Data Security

  QKD Over Long Distance; Crucial to Data Security.  Quantum Key Distribution, QKD, utilizes photon entanglement to distribute encryption keys with near-total security.  Research conducted at the University of Geneva has taken QKD to new lengths, literally.  Though only a small gain in distance has been achieved over the 404KM record, the 421KM distance attained […]