Internet of Things and Quantum Cryptography

Internet of Things and Quantum Cryptography.  The Internet of Things is driving the fourth industrial revolution; how might quantum cryptography benefit the IoT?   Report is found at…

Mitigating Data Exposure to Quantum Computing

Mitigating Data Exposure to Quantum Computing.  A simplified risk-timeline has four influencing factors to consider; given you have made a complete cryptographic inventory.  The four factors to consider are: 1/ Cryptographic strength of the algorithms in use to protect data and communications 2/ Length of time, in years, your data must be protected 3/ Cryptographic […]

U.S. DoD Awards $500K for Quantum Market Research

U.S. DoD Awards $500K for Quantum Market Research.  U.S. DoD Awards $500K for market research on current and future quantum capabilities.  The project is intended “to show how current and future threat capabilities can be enhanced or materialized through next generation quantum technologies.”     Reference found at GCN… Award Announcement is at FedBizOpps…  

U.S. DoD Awards $500K for Quantum Market Research

U.S. DoD Awards $500K for Quantum Market Research.  U.S. DoD Awards $500K for market research on current and future quantum capabilities.  The project is intended “to show how current and future threat capabilities can be enhanced or materialized through next generation quantum technologies.”   Reference found at GCN… Award Announcement is at FedBizOpps…

2018 International Electron Devices Meeting December 1-5, 2018

  2018 International Electron Devices Meeting December 1-5, 2018.  Quantum devices, nano-devices, semi-conduting qubits.  This conference is speaking to “small” technology that is having “big” changes. Program and conference site is found here… Quantum Underlies Everything.