Secure Data Transmission

Secure Data Transmission.  With the rendering of today’s encryption unsafe by quantum computing, quantum-safe cryptographic solutions and services are being taken up as defense to this perceived inevitability. Reference is found at Information Age…

IonQ’s Trapped Ion Computing Beating IBM, Google, Rigetti

IonQ’s Trapped Ion Computing Beating IBM, Google, Rigetti.  Though ‘slow’ in operation and impractically large, trapped ion quantum computing from IonQ is beating out IBM, Google, and Rigetti with accuracy and scalability. Reference is found at TECHSPOT…  

Practical Quantum Algorithms and Chemical Calculations

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Practical Quantum Algorithms and Chemical Calculations.  First example of practical quantum algorithms capable of chemical calculations on quantum systems developed by Japan’s Osaka City University. Reference is found at EurekAlert! Original report…  

Deep Learning Aided with Quantum Computing Chips

Deep Learning Aided with Quantum Computing Chips.  The demands of deep learning upon processing power are likely to be met with quantum computing’s computation power more so than classical computing and graphics processors.  Complex algorithms and vast quantities of data necessary for deep learning are part of the reason for such processing power consumption. Report is […]