IoT Security: Solved by Crypto Quantique’s Chip?

IoT Security: Solved by Crypto Quantique’s Chip?  IoT device cybersecurity, or lack thereof, is a seemingly insurmountable challenge.  Given the millions of devices already in place and the millions more on their way, securing these devices may be more readily accomplished than previously thought.  Claiming ‘seamless and easy-to-implement’ security for IoT devices, Crypto Quantique’s device […]

Bye Bye Moore’s Law

New Era of Innovation; Bye Bye Moore’s Law.  Quantum computing, garage startups, enormous enterprises and the fall of Moore’s Law.   Op-ed is found here…

U.S. Has a Head Start in Quantum Arms Race?

A quantum-technology military arms race between the U.S. and China is on.  Given China’s ‘impressive effort to turbocharge quantum research’ in military-applied quantum technology and the U.S.’ quiet but known efforts, the gap between these powerful nations is closing.

India Should Stymie Brain Drain with Funding

India Should Stymie Brain Drain with Funding; Follow China’s Quantum Initiatives.  “Every developing country has a situation of brain drain.  The problem is if one government wants to put money, the other cuts its down,” commented Duncan Haldane.  Haldane is the American physicist whose research with others on electric properties of materials paved part of […]