Calculating Quantum Computing’s Return-on-Investment

Calculating Quantum Computing’s Return-on-Investment.  Calculating the return on investment for quantum computing investments, today, is quite complicated. “Even though companies like IBM, Intel, and Google might have softer cushions if the risk bubble pops before commercialization, the R&D investments are all sizable, especially for those who fab their own devices and hire legions of theoretical physicists […]

India’s Road-map to a Quantum Computer

India’s Road-map to a Quantum Computer.  India’s Department of Science and Technology is developing the nation’s first quantum computer.  The program, Quantum-Enabled Science & Technology (QuEST), is set to invest $11.3M to build a quantum computer and to fund related research.  Once this initial phase is completed, “…the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Defence Research and […]