Detecting Electrons from a Long Distance: 100+ Nanometers

Detecting Electrons from a Long Distance: 100+ Nanometers.  A team of physicists at Leiden University in the Netherlands has detected a single electron, using a single molecule, with enough sensitivity to detect an electron from “hundreds of nanometers” apart. Physicists have been able to manipulate single electrons; but, they can only see them as part […]

Chattanooga Utility Demonstrates Next-gen Grid Security with Quantum Key Distribution

Chattanooga Utility Demonstrates Next-gen Grid Security with Quantum Key Distribution.  Chatanooga utility, EPB, has been working with Oak Ridge and Los Alamos National Laboratories to test interoperability of disparate quantum key distribution networks.  The test was to ensure utility providers nationwide have interoperability sufficient to employ QKD. The exercise took place at the EPB facility, considered […]

Single Photon Emitters; Now on Silicon

Single Photon Emitters; Now on Silicon.  “Scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) have developed a way to directly write quantum light sources, which emit a single photon of light at a time, into monolayer semiconductors such as tungsten diselenide (WSe2).   Single photon emitters (SPEs), or quantum […]