Entangling Two Photons Serving Two Distinct Purposes

Entangling Two Photons Serving Two Distinct Purposes.  Diligent efforts at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology have produced entangled photons of two different wavelengths.  The image below and the following explanation sum up this creative device. By carefully engineering the geometry of a micrometer-scale, ring-shaped resonator, researchers at NIST produced pairs of entangled photons […]

D-Wave Systems Ups the Ante to 5,000 Qubits, and then Some

D-Wave Systems Ups the Ante to 5,000 Qubits, and then Some.  Today, D-Wave Systems, Inc., announced a preview of its next-generation quantum computing platform incorporating hardware, software, and tools to accelerate and ease the delivery of quantum computing applications.  The company touts the benefits as capturing users’ priorities and business requirements while delivering performance gains and […]

Qubit Resilience via Topological Insulators

Qubit Resilience via Topological Insulators.  Purdue University scientists’ efforts have brought insulating qubits [quantum bits] one step closer to scalable-reality.   A new material developed has been engineered into a “nanoribbon”, conducting electrical current on the surface but not below. Termed a “topological insulator”, the strip, when connected to two superconductor electrical leads composes a device called […]

Universal Entangler: Negates Re-wiring, Choose Any Code

Universal Entangler: Negates Re-wiring, Choose Any Code.  For the relatively few quantum computers in use today, the complexity of processing a quantum computing algorithm is intensive – to set up!  Now, thanks to a research team at Yale University, the process should be easier with their new entangling device.  Dubbed the “Universal Entangler”, the device is […]