The Ohio State University Creates Method to Make Quantum Devices Using Common Chip Technology

The Ohio State University Creates Method to Make Quantum Devices Using Common Chip Technology.  Columbus, Ohio.   In the quest for smaller, faster computer chips, researchers are increasingly turning to quantum mechanics — the exotic physics of the small. The problem: the manufacturing techniques required to make quantum devices have been equally exotic. That is, […]

Basic Quantum 101 and What the U.S. Is Doing with It. Or Isn’t… Doing with It.

Basic Quantum 101 and What the U.S. Is Doing with It.  Or Isn’t… Doing with It.  A three part series on quantum computing from National Defense periodical online was released this week.  Part 1’s salient points as found by The Qubit Report: “Quantum computing, quantum encryption and quantum sensing are three major applications being pursued […]

Quantum State Leakage Detectable; Leading to Error-correction Techniques

Quantum State Leakage Detectable; Leading to Error-correction Techniques.   Quantum computers are designed to process information using quantum bits, and promise huge speedups in scientific computing and codebreaking Current prototype devices are publicly accessible but highly error prone: information can ‘leak’ into unwanted states Computer program designed and run by University of Warwick physicists can tell […]