Quantum Computing, Hacking, Encryption, Policy Implications

Quantum Computing, Hacking, Encryption, Policy Implications. Implications of Quantum Computing for Encryption Policy.  Quantum computing is still in its infancy, but its future development could reshape many aspects of computing, including encryption. Although the impact of quantum computing on encryption has been widely discussed, there has been less attention to how quantum computing would affect […]

Nothing Spooky About It Says University of Toronto Professor

Nothing Spooky About It Says University of Toronto Professor.  And he’s right.  From the below piece, “This is an entangled state of the two atoms. Neither your atom, nor your friend’s, has a definite energy in this superposition. Nevertheless, the properties of the two atoms are correlated because of conservation of energy: Their energies always […]

Micius Quantum Prize for 2018 Goes to Peter Shor

Micius Quantum Prize for 2018 Goes to Peter Shor. Peter Shor, the Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics at MIT, has received the2018 Micius Quantum Prize, which is awarded within the field of quantum computation. Shor was nominated for his groundbreaking theoretical work on the factoring algorithm and quantum error correction. Shor, who received his PhD […]