Taking Quantum Computing to Students

Taking Quantum Computing to Students Quantum leap into the future of education.  The quantum era will soon be upon us. The changes we will see will far outpace even those we saw in the development of personal computers, smartphones and broadband networking — combined. IBM has already created a commercial quantum computer prototype, the IBM […]

Keeping Quantum Computing Reports From Lying

Keeping Quantum Computing Reports From Lying.  Numerous salient points regarding the confidentiality and integrity of data being espoused by quantum computing devices.  Having been on the cybersecurity side of classical computing for years, the topic discussed in the Communications of the ACM piece, Questioning Quantum, bears consideration.  Qubit. Excerpts and salient points: When they do […]

Japan and The United States Push Forward in Quantum Technology

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Japan and The United States Push Forward in Quantum Technology Japan, US affirm cooperation in AI, quantum technology.  Japan and the United States agreed Thursday [May 2nd] to step up cooperation in the areas of artificial intelligence and quantum science and technology. The two governments reached the agreement at a high-level meeting in Washington as […]